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Five proven questions to guide your sustainability program.


For a thriving sustainability team, explore these five essential elements.
LAST UPDATED: July 26, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Sustainability has become a critical component of long-term business success as the demand for a commitment to sustainability practices increases.
  • Companies should use sustainability reports to pinpoint operational areas with the biggest sustainability impact, set targets, develop action plans, and weave sustainability into their core operations.
  • A successful sustainability strategy must align with business goals, balance the triple bottom line, and have senior leadership support.
  • Adequate investment in sustainability initiatives is necessary for success, along with transparent communication and industry-specific considerations.
  • Businesses must generate tangible outcomes, provide precise and progressively lower emission reports, and implement definitive measures for immediate impact in order to tackle sustainability challenges effectively.

In today's rapidly evolving marketplace, the concept of sustainability has moved from a nice-to-have to a critical component of long-term business success. As consumers, investors, and regulatory bodies increasingly demand more environmentally and socially responsible business practices, companies are recognizing the importance of integrating sustainability into their core operations. However, navigating the complexities of sustainability can be a daunting task. It requires a deep understanding of both the opportunities and challenges it presents, as well as a clear strategy for implementation.

To help guide your company through this transformative process, we've outlined five essential questions that every business should ask itself. These questions are designed to probe deep into the heart of your organization, uncovering areas where sustainability can not only reduce environmental impact, but also drive innovation, profitability, and competitive advantage. By addressing these questions, companies can lay a solid foundation for a sustainability program that aligns with their business objectives, engages stakeholders, and sets the stage for long-term success.

So, as you stand at the crossroads of sustainability and business strategy, let's delve deeper into these questions. They will not only help you assess your current position but also inspire action and change that can lead to a more sustainable and prosperous future for your organization.

1. What are our operational areas impacting sustainability? 

Before forming a Sustainability Team, it's crucial to identify the operational areas that have the most significant impact on sustainability and contribute largely to your company’s carbon footprint. Companies need to have an initial materiality assessment conducted to determine the factors that contribute to their carbon footprint. In addition, it’s necessary to establish viable targets and action plans for achieving the targets. Whether it's energy usage, waste management, or supply chain practices, knowing where to focus is the first step toward developing an effective sustainability strategy.

Energy consumption

Energy usage stands out as one of the most critical factors. Optimizing energy consumption not only reduces environmental impact but can also lead to substantial cost savings. Companies are increasingly turning to renewable energy sources and investing in energy-efficient technologies to minimize their carbon footprint.

Waste management 

Effective waste management strategies, including reducing, reusing, and recycling materials, play a vital role in sustainable operations. By focusing on minimizing waste production and finding value in waste streams, businesses can significantly reduce their environmental impact while potentially uncovering new revenue streams.

Supply chain practices

The sustainability of a company's supply chain is another crucial area. Sustainable sourcing, ethical labor practices, and minimizing the environmental impact of logistics are all aspects that contribute to a more sustainable operation. Companies should actively review their supply chains to identify areas for improvement.

Resource usage and efficiency

Beyond energy, the efficient use of all resources—water, materials, etc.—is essential for sustainable operations. Implementing resource-efficient processes can lead to significant environmental and economic benefits. This includes adopting circular economy principles, where possible, to extend the lifecycle of products and materials.

Environmental responsibility 

Lastly, companies need to consider their broader environmental responsibility, including how they manage natural habitats, biodiversity, and their overall ecological footprint. This requires a holistic approach to environmental stewardship, ensuring that operations do not adversely affect the local ecosystem or global environmental health.

2. How does sustainability align with our business goals? 

A successful sustainability strategy must align with the company's overall business goals. How can sustainability be incorporated into critical operations and processes in the company? Are you setting up your sustainability program and team for success? The plan's components should be environmentally sustainable, economically viable, and socially sustainable. A plan that falls short in any of these three aspects is likely to fail.

Incorporating sustainability into core operations

To effectively align sustainability with business goals, companies must look beyond traditional environmental measures and integrate sustainability into critical operations and processes. This can involve redesigning product lines to minimize waste and resource use, adopting renewable energy sources to power operations, or implementing circular economy principles to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact. By weaving sustainability into the core of business operations, companies can drive innovation, reduce costs, and open up new market opportunities, all while contributing to a healthier planet.

Balancing the triple bottom line

A truly effective sustainability plan is one that achieves balance across the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic, and social. Environmental sustainability focuses on reducing the company's ecological footprint through measures like carbon reduction and waste management. Economic viability ensures that sustainability initiatives contribute to the financial health of the company through cost savings, efficiency gains, or new revenue streams from sustainable products and services. Social sustainability involves ensuring fair labor practices, community engagement, and contributing positively to society. A plan that addresses these aspects in harmony is more likely to gain support from stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees, thereby enhancing the company's reputation and competitive advantage.

Setting up for success

For a sustainability program to be successful, it must have the backing of senior leadership and be integrated into the company's strategic planning process. This includes setting clear, measurable sustainability targets that are aligned with the company's key performance indicators (KPIs) and overall strategic objectives. Moreover, establishing a dedicated sustainability team with cross-functional representation ensures that sustainability considerations are integrated across all departments and decision-making levels, fostering a culture of sustainability throughout the organization.

3. How can sustainability provide us with a competitive advantage? 

Sustainability can often give companies a competitive edge. Today's consumers have high expectations that brands produce sustainable products and act responsibly in their production and distribution efforts. In addition, there are often financial incentives and rewards for companies to invest in and commit to their sustainability programs. Actions such as disclosing sustainability efforts, investing in renewable energy projects, innovating in sustainable process development, and positively impacting the communities around them can elevate a company's profile in the competitive landscape.

Meeting consumer demand for sustainable products

Modern consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental and social impacts of their purchases, with a Nielsen report showing that products with sustainable attributes often outperform those without. This indicates a strong consumer preference for sustainability. Companies that offer sustainably produced products can tap into this growing market segment, attracting environmentally conscious customers and building brand loyalty through shared values. Sustainability-focused marketing and transparent communication about efforts can also strengthen consumer trust. 

A commitment to sustainability enhances a company's reputation, making it more attractive to customers, investors, and potential employees. Companies perceived as responsible and sustainable enjoy greater brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, and their efforts can improve relations with stakeholders, including governments, local communities, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). This is particularly beneficial during crises or when seeking support for new projects, demonstrating a commitment to positive social and environmental impact.

Financial incentives and cost savings

Investing in sustainability can lead to significant financial benefits for companies. Initiatives such as energy efficiency improvements, waste reduction, and water conservation can reduce operational costs in the long run. Furthermore, governments and international bodies often offer tax incentives, grants, and subsidies to encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices. According to a study by the CNP, companies that proactively manage and plan for climate change secure an 18% higher return on investment than companies that don't. 

Driving innovation and long-term growth

Sustainability challenges encourage innovation by pushing companies to develop new products, services, and processes that reduce environmental impact and meet societal needs. This drive for innovation can lead to the discovery of new business models and revenue streams, such as circular economy practices that turn waste into resources. Companies at the forefront of sustainable innovation are often better positioned to adapt to regulatory changes, enter new markets, and sustain long-term growth.

Attracting and retaining talent

Employees, especially millennials and Gen Z, increasingly seek employment with companies that share their values and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. By prioritizing sustainability, companies can attract and retain top talent who are motivated not only by their day-to-day role, but also by the opportunity to contribute to meaningful, positive change. A motivated and engaged workforce is invaluable for driving innovation and achieving business success.

4. What is our willingness to invest in sustainability? 

Building a Sustainability Team requires a commitment of resources. This process may entail assembling a specialized team, dedicating resources to conduct a materiality assessment, performing a carbon footprint analysis along with other analytical evaluations, and strategizing on the most effective ways to convey your sustainability initiatives to stakeholders. In addition, depending on the industry, some companies may need to make large investments to improve the sustainability of equipment, transportation, and other components of the company’s operation. Each company must honestly and transparently evaluate its readiness to make these investments.

Assembling the right team

The foundation of a successful sustainability initiative is the team behind it. Companies should aim to assemble a group of individuals with diverse skills, including expertise in environmental science, corporate strategy, finance, and communications. The team should also have a passionate leader who can drive sustainability efforts forward and integrate them into every aspect of the business. According to insights from ENGIE Impact, having a team capable of executing complex decarbonization strategies is vital for achieving sustainability goals.

Allocating adequate resources

Investing in sustainability means allocating resources not just for the Sustainability Team itself but also for the implementation of initiatives that will lead to real change. This could include investments in renewable energy sources, sustainable materials, and technologies that reduce waste and improve efficiency. According to McKinsey & Company, leaders must be prepared to incorporate sustainability into corporate strategy, which frequently necessitates significant investment in new tools, procedures, and training.

Transparent communication

An often overlooked but critical aspect of building a Sustainability Team is establishing a plan for transparently communicating efforts and progress to stakeholders. This includes clients, investors, employees, and the broader community. Transparency not only builds trust but can also enhance the company's reputation and brand value. Creating sustainability reports, engaging in social media, and participating in sustainability networks are effective ways to share the company's commitment and achievements.

Industry-specific considerations

Depending on the industry, some companies may face unique challenges in integrating sustainability into their operations. For example, manufacturing companies may need to invest heavily in cleaner production technologies, while transportation companies might explore alternative fuels or more efficient logistics strategies. Recognizing and addressing these industry-specific challenges is essential for developing a tailored and effective sustainability strategy.

5. Do we have stakeholder support?

Any sustainability initiative requires the support of stakeholders, as it often involves initial investment that needs to be approved. Without support from stakeholders, any transformation efforts will be impeded and delayed. If stakeholder support to build your Sustainability Team isn't already in place, strategizing how to secure it should be a priority.

While building a Sustainability Team might require an upfront investment, evidence suggests that sustainable businesses can be more profitable in the long run. In the 2023 article “Innovative growers: A view from the top” McKinsey states, “Chemical players with low-carbon product portfolios or high exposure to end markets supporting sustainability grew their shareholder returns at more than double the rate of sustainability laggards between 2016 and 2021.” This is just one example of the positive correlation between sustainability and market performance. As climate change awareness increases, securing stakeholder support for sustainability initiatives is becoming easier. Therefore, now might be the perfect time to start building your Sustainability Team.

Benchmarking success in sustainability

When it comes to sustainability, identifying success can be tricky. It's not just about setting lofty goals to achieve by 2040 or 2050, but about taking tangible steps toward those goals today. Here are some benchmarks that can help identify a successful sustainability program.

  • Tangible Results: The most important benchmark of a successful sustainability program is tangible results. While setting long-term goals is commendable, it's crucial to go beyond merely making pledges. The focus should be on implementing measures that create real, meaningful change.
  • Accurate and Decreasing Emission Disclosures: In an era where ‘greenwashing'—making a company seem more environmentally friendly than it actually is—is prevalent, it's essential to scrutinize emission disclosures. Are they accurate? Are they decreasing over time? If the answer to these questions is yes, this is a good sign that a company's sustainability program is effective.
  • Taking Action for Immediate Impact: True sustainability comes from taking concrete actions for immediate positive impact, not just discussions. Simple solutions like buying carbon credits—without changing how we operate—don't achieve lasting change. In contrast, committing to renewable energy, despite its challenges and the need for engineering solutions, offers a clear measure of success with immediate metrics like power production and carbon reduction. This approach shows quick progress, paving the way for substantial long-term environmental benefits.

Action and measurable outcomes are key to assessing the success of a sustainability program. It's not enough to make pledges; they need to be backed up with concrete actions and results. By focusing on tangible results, accurate emission disclosures, and real, positive change, companies can ensure their sustainability program is truly successful.

Looking to bolster your sustainability efforts? Aquent Sustainability is here to help. Whether you're building an in-house sustainability team or need an expert to advise on best practices, our sustainability recruitment and consulting services help companies grow their impact. Get in touch.